
WNFGA contributions form

What do you love about Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association? Your gift to WNF&GA supports and sustains what you love most. Whether it’s communication through our website and magazine, coordination across branches and divisions, national meetings where knowledge is shared and friendships are reinforced, or opportunities to influence key environmental issues such as colony collapse disorder and its impact on bees and food production in our country, your support enables us to accomplish more together. Recent special projects supported by members of Farm & Garden include the creation of a home for WNF&GA memorabilia at Temple University Ambler – the site of the establishment of our organization back in 1914; the maintenance of our garden at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C., and numerous scholarships for students of agriculture, horticulture, and horticultural therapy. Gifts can honor, remember, and recognize friends and family members in a unique and special way. Make a gift to Farm & Garden today.

Make a Planned Gift Today to benefit Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association Tomorrow, “We must complete our Mother’s work”

Because you have been an active member of Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association (WNF&GA) and love our organization, you can make plans to extend your support through your will or estate plan. This gift will provide an enduring legacy which honors your membership and provides for continued support.   Please contact your attorney or legal adviser before making any estate gift. Your generosity can make our vision for the second one hundred years a reality. 

Charitable Gift Annuities

Through charitable gift annuities, a significant cash or securities gift can be made. The donor receives a guaranteed rate of return for life. At the donor’s or named beneficiary’s death, WNF&GA is able to use the money to support WNF&GA or one of its Scholarship funds. Life Insurance or Retirement Funds You can name WNF&GA as primary or secondary beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy or a new policy. Similarly, you can name WNF&GA to receive proceeds from retirement funds after your death. Bequest You can name the WNF&GA to receive funds through your will. You can choose a specific amount, a percentage of the estate or a residual after other distributions from your estate are fulfilled. Memorial Gifts Tribute or honor gifts can be made to recognize a special occasion; memorial gifts in remembrance of a loved one, or respected Member or friend. Gifts in Kind WNF&GA can receive certain valuable gifts of property or equipment such as farmland, residences and equipment for which the organization has a use in connection with its mission. Endowments You can make a named endowed gift that will keep giving to WNF&GA for eternity. You can endow support for a specific program or project area for a minimum $10,000 gift. You can also endow a fund that supports college scholarships for a minimum gift investment of $30,000. The annual income from the endowed investment is provided to support scholarship and education in your area of interests. Please contact WNF&GA for instructions on making non-cash gifts. It is recommended that you consult with your tax adviser or attorney as well as with a WNF&GA Board Member before making an unusual gift to verify that your intention can be met.

Last updated on December 12th, 2017

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