We offer a grant created by a former National president, Hazel Herring. The intention is to preserve the legacy of the focuses and interests of this National president through the good works of WNF&GA members. To read about this grant please CLICK HERE.
Award amount: $5,000. Funds may be awarded to more than one WNF&GA Branch/Division applicant.
Application deadline: May 1
Improving the quality of life in members’ communities through beautification is a cornerstone of WNF&GA.
This grant was established in 1983 through a donation made by Mr. Jack Herring in honor of his wife, Hazel J. Herring. Mrs. Herring served as WNF&GA president from 1982 – 1984. The grant may be used to assist Branches or Divisions implementing their civic beautification projects.
The Hazel Herring grant was originally established as an award for a completed project. Its focus was changed, with Hazel’s approval, to that of a GRANT to be given to a Branch or Division project of “improvement” through civic action or improvement through beautification.
Projects which will be considered include: community gardens, landscaping of historic landmarks or community properties, establishment of playgrounds, open space parks, picnic areas and similar endeavors which will benefit and improve public spaces. It can be part of a continuing large project, but a new phase.
The grant will be given only once per project as applied for on the application.
For more information and to view an application, please
Award amount: $1000.
Application deadline: May 1
Floral Arts provides an opportunity for WNF&GA members to enrich their knowledge of design and horticulture. For more than a thousand years, cultures have used flowers and plant material to create displays that enhance our lives. Satisfaction can come simply by positioning a flower in a vase or fostering a plant. Advancement is gained through lectures, workshops, books and by utilizing the information they provide.
Following a change, which was proposed, discussed and formally approved at the 2018 National Meeting, branches may use the Bess Mueller Floral Arts Educational Fund in support of events listed below. The events must be open to the public. The Fund will provide a monetary incentive to stimulate an active interest in the floral arts.
Specifically, the Bess Mueller Floral Arts Education fund may be used to support judges’ schools, flower shows, floral arts programs, workshops and guest speakers.
Bess (Bessie) Mueller was born in Corunna, Ontario, but lived in Port Huron, MI since the 1940s. She was an active member of the Port Huron Garden Club from 1965 – 1978. Bessie was a philanthropist who chose to remain tight-lipped about her endeavors. She was described as a woman who quietly spent her life supporting a variety of causes and people. The Bess Mueller Floral Arts (Educational) Fund was established to support Flower Show Schools which would properly train flower show judges.
For more information and to view an application, please