Meeting News


Please join us for a Fall 2024 General Membership Meeting

The Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association, Inc. will hold a general membership meeting on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at the Hampton Inn & Suites, in Romulus, Michigan. Call to order will be 9:00 AM, adjournment will be no later than 5:00 PM.

We will discuss the business of the National Organization, including Finances, Officer and Committee reports. An orientation session is planned, which will acquaint members with the structure and Officers of the National level. Registration will include a lunch and beverages. A breakout session will be held in the afternoon to discuss the future of our organization.

At least one member from every branch is encouraged to attend this very important meeting. We ask that representative to bring viable ideas for the National level to continue serving our membership.

Hotel accommodation information, if needed, is posted on the registration page. The proposed Agenda is posted here.

Mary Bertolini
WNF&GA National President


The 110th National Annual Meeting was held in Harrisburg/Hershey, Pennsylvania on May 18-21, 2024.

Mary Bertolini was elected the interim National President 2024 – 2026.  She last served as our president in 2010-2012.

Other officers on the unopposed slate of officers are

      • Jo Ambrose, Recording Secretary
      • Phyllis Macke, Corresponding Secretary
      • Mary Lynne Moellering, Admin & Operational Treasurer
      • Suzanne Smith-Oscilowski, Educational & Charitable Treasurer
      • Vice-President remains empty.
      • Patty Burnside became the Advisor to the President

The 2023 draft Meeting Minutes were approved.  The draft 2024 Meeting Minutes will be posted by August 2024.

The updated 2024 Standing Rules were approved without opposition.

The 2024 Strategic Plan was presented to the attendees with several option regarding the future of the two entities within WNFGA. Ideas for future steps were presented to take back to the branches for discussion about the future organization of the WNF&GA.

Print the last page to take back to your branches for careful discussion and meaning feedback to National.


Last updated on September 11th, 2024