WNF&GA president Faith Tiberio recognizes the “Plight of the Bumblebee” which threatens our fruit and vegetable crops. With this in mind, she sponsored a contest in the fall, 2008 issue of Farm & Garden magazine in which a $500.00 prize would be given to the branch who has done the most to publicize and promote help for the bees locally.
The Troy Garden Club in Michigan is proud to be the winner of this award.

The picture shows some members gratefully toasting President Faith with a glass of Mead (honey) wine upon learning of this award. You can check the Troy, Mi website Wild Bee Program page to learn more about the efforts to promote bee education.
The prize money will be used to purchase items for the Troy Outdoor Education Center where instructional beehives have already been set up and will further promote this cause.
In addition, two of our members, Susan Vette and Mary Hrynik won $50.00 prizes for their recipes using honey.