August – September 2024

President’s Message

Everyone has faced challenges these past few years, some larger than others. Yet, we persevere, and find success. Farm and Garden is no exception. I am the first Past National President to serve a second term at the helm; It seems recycling is not relegated to paper, plastic, and glass.

This term, I will be working solo, my helpmate is no longer at my side. It is a challenge, but a welcome one, a new beginning. As gardeners, and members, you have worked hard this season to achieve a beautiful setting in your life. Take a moment to relax, sit on your patio, deck, sidewalk or garden path with a cool drink of your choice. Enjoy the glory of your hard work, bask in the knowledge that you accomplished this place of peace and wonder. Take a mental snapshot, save it to your brain’s hard drive, for this moment is fleeting. Season’s change is right around the corner.

The fundraisers of Garden Walks, plant swaps, the meetings and luncheons, teas and raffles were a success. We never shy away from an opportunity to share our conquests and failures with our partners in the world of plants.  In the last few years, many of our members have downsized their gardens, learning the benefits of pot gardening. I am among those ranks. Moving from over two acres of woods and native plants to pots on a deck has been very different. I am no longer a shade gardener, but a full sun porch/pot tender. It is easier to deadhead, but my watering can has become my best friend. We visit our pot-friends often, sometimes with water soluble fertilizer. I’m learning, too, there are consequences to pay when things are left alone for two weeks.

Every season gives a gift to our garden. This past Summer has been no exception. In my area, the cool, wet Spring made working in the garden and early planting a challenge. The onslaught of storms with large hail left holes in the leaves of the struggling perennials, which still bear the scars late in the season. The rains were followed by extreme hot and dry spells. These kept only the most ardent of gardeners busy outside, most stayed hibernating in the air conditioning until the cooler hours of the evening. Yet, through it all, persistent gardeners prevailed!

Posted 27 Aug 2024

Presidents Message Jan-Feb 2024

Welcome –

The Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association has been around in the U.S. since 1914.  Through the past century it has played a vital role in training women to support themselves through agriculture and horticulture.  Over the years, its operation has evolved with the times.  Currently, WNF&GA promotes education, conservation, and community beautification.  Its activities include as vast array of things to do from within our local areas to supporting women facing challenges throughout the world – – all while focusing on agriculture and horticultural.

Anyone will find themselves able to fit in with our organization and be able to pursue their interests.  Please join a branch meeting near you and come see what we are all about and explore this website for more information. You can also find us on Facebook.  We welcome new members who want to improve their community, learn more about gardening and farming, and forge rewarding friendships with like-minded members.

“Anything you like to do, we have a place for you.”

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at or 989-284-3455.  I would love to share more information with you.


Patty Burnside, National President 2022 – 2024

Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association

President’s Message Nov-Dec 2023

Happy Holidays and Seasons’ Greetings

Although very busy and somewhat stressful, this is my favorite
time of the year. Forget about shopping, decorating, wrapping,
partying, sending cards, baking, and all the other required or
associated “__ing’s.” This, to me, is a period to be immersed in the
spirit of kindness, peace, human connections, magic, charity, warmth,
and blessings. I love evenings with hot cocoa, a cozy fire, a soft fleece
blanket, my dog by me, the tree glowing, and watching a schmaltzy
Hallmark movie. Even with all the holiday hubbub, it seems like a
time to slow down spiritually and appreciate the simpler things in life.
On Christmas Eve, my church holds a candlelight service which really
brings these emotions to full fruition.
Let us be mindful of others throughout the world and pray that
they may be free of worry or want. No matter what your holiday
traditions are, no matter what your religion is, no matter how you
feel about the holidays – – I wish you a cheerful season filled with
your favorite things and surrounded by loving friends and family.

Patty Burnside, WNF&GA President, 2022-2024