55th Annual International Tea

The 55th Annual International Tea – A Fund Raiser in support of the Michigan 4-H IFYE Program Michigan Division of Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association held the 55th annual International Tea on September 17, 2008.  The Tea was hosted by the Flint Branch and held at the Flint Institute of Music.

One hundred and forty two members and guests attended.  The purpose of the tea was to raise money for the 4-H International Youth Exchange Program.  Michigan Division has been a long term supporter of the Michigan 4-H Foundation and 4-H activities in the state of Michigan.

The Flint Institute of Music proved to be the perfect setting for the Tea. The tables were set in the atrium of the building, with views of interior gardens.  Food was provided by the members of the Flint Branch and the Michigan Division Board members.  There was a wonderful selection of sweets and savories.  Each table was set with lovely matching china.  Members of the Flint Branch served tea to each table as well as keeping cookie and sandwich trays filled.  There was an abundance of food, all beautifully served.

Division President, Louise Shoksnyder, greeted those in attendance and introduced the guests and
acknowledged those who were responsible for the day.  Cheryl Howell, Executive Director of the 4-H Foundation of Michigan was present and well as Renee Applegate, 4-H Youth Educator and State 4-H International Exchange Coordinator.  Renee spoke of the current students abroad.  Louise introduced Janice Pike, Flint Branch President, and thanked the Branch for their efforts.  She also acknowledged Kay Engelhart, International Concerns and International Tea Chairman for Michigan Division.  Kay worked with the Flint Branch to pull the Tea together.

Claudia Scioly, Michigan 4-H Foundation Board of Trustee, was also introduced.  Claudia is also the Rural/Urban Chairman for the Michigan Division Board.  Mr. Paul Torre, President of the Flint Institute of Michigan, greeted us and told us a bit about the Institute.

After the Tea was through, we walked a short distance to the Apple Wood Estate, home of the Mott family of Flint.  The house is surrounded by outstanding gardens, and even in early fall, they were beautiful.  September 17 proved to be a glorious fall day and members were glad to stroll through the gardens.  We were provided with very knowledgeable guides, who took groups through the gardens and provided information about the various areas of the estate grounds.  From a rose garden to an apple orchard, the Estate had beautifully manicured beds and specimen trees that make it truly a memorable garden.  Large golf type carts were provided for those who were unable to walk the distance around the estate.  It was a wonderful tour.

The main reason for this affair was to provide funds for the IFYE Program.  We feel the 55th International Tea was very successful and that a healthy check will be provided to the 4-H Foundation.

Louise Mattick Shoksnyder

September News From National – Faith Tiberio, President

Dear Members,

You are to be congratulated, and many, many bows to our beloved Hazel Herring. A telephone call from Ambler has confirmed that they have received from Margaret Latham, the payment due on the Ambler Greenhouse Project for this year.

From Linda Lowe and Dean James Hilty, calls and letters thanking us for updating us on the progress on the project. It has just been given repaired sidewalks, a new electrical system and other necessary repairs. As Dean Hilty said in his letter. “Things are moving ahead”. That is a little pun on the “Head-House”, I suspect.

In the meantime, thank you for your many enthusiastic and helpful letters. I love hearing from you and of course, your ideas are being sought. The New York Farm and Garden newsletter, with articles by

Betty Monahan and Audrey Ehrler and information about our projects are grand. Davene Brown, the editor, does a wonderful, exciting job and an article about the history of aprons will bring back so many lovely memories to those of us in my age bracket. If making a new aprons, maybe “bee pockets”?

Pennsylvania Division’s newsletter was equally important and charming, with a delightful poem by Gertrude Heath about “The Bee” accompanied by a black and white bee and blossom drawing. Of note, the Fall General Meeting in October will have Kevin Parsons, on “Bees”.

Other bee news. The Whitney Laboratory in Marineland, Florida, is conducting extensive research on the bee situation: more and more crops have failed because of bee disasters. The University of Florida will be taking part.

I will be attending the Ambler Board this coming week and will check our project first hand; I have just returned from Savannah, Georgia where alarm over the bee situation is widespread. An article in the Detroit News, just sent to me by Jean De Decker, specifically mentions the Best Honey Farm, Lansing, which trucks bees to South Georgia and other states, helping to pollinate our food supply.

Jean Getty reports that one beekeeper in her area simply lost bees to a bear. She also sent an article by Bob Henke in The Post Star, about Propolis. Propolis is made by honeybees from tree sap, and is used to seal up holes in the hive’s living quarter. The article ends with the statement that some people will pay more for “bee glue” than for honey. Violin makers use this honey-glue and it seems to treat Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and some parasitic infections; it’s no wonder that we need honeybees.

Again my thanks to all of you and to Kay Engelhart for printing our News from National.

Faith Tiberio
September 2008


Other News ~ The Website, www.wnfga.org is nearing completion of the updates approved by members in January and June of this year. This is a great way to share WNF&GA with all you know – send them to the Website for history, education and scholarship, current happenings, awards, recognition, membership and be sure to click on the blog for the latest information from the President and watch there also for updates on the coming annual meeting.

Also on the website you’ll find information, and registration forms for the two Grants awarded by WNF&GA: The Hazel Herring Civic Improvement Grant and the Marla Diamond Master Gardener Grant. These are valuable grants to apply for – share the information with your branch.

Reminder also that you can contact the Divine Chocolate company for fundraising packets – this company supports Fair Trade Companies in Ghana. As members of the international community, we also share this dedication – fair trade. Contact phone: 202-332-8913 or info@divinechocolateusa.com

From the President, Faith Tiberio

News, thoughts, comments and reminders from WNF&GA
First and foremost, we must keep the historic greenhouse site at Ambler in mind and heart. Hazel Herring has been struggling mightily to keep us on schedule.

Then we come to our “Bee Project”. Everyone now is aware of the danger of losing the bees, and the bee’s important contribution which it can make to our country and to our food supply.

As I mentioned in Kay Engelhart’s valuable “News to the National” this President will personally give prizes in the following categories:

1. The branch that had done the most to publicize (and most newspapers are eager for bee stories) and promote help for the bees locally. This can be programs, working with the local bee-keepers, working with 4H clubs or other farm groups, and with schools. The prize is $500.00.

2. There is a second place prize of $300.00

3. There is a third place prize of $100.00

4. Two $50.00 prizes for the member who contributes the best recipe using honey and another for best flower arrangement (photos to be submitted) using flowers that bees visit.

5. For every member keeping bees, there will be a pin.

We should mention a few of the recent articles on bees and honey. Martha Stewart’s, Living Magazine with articles about bee’s skeps for garden, china of “whimsy and elegance”, honey cakes, flower vases and more.

Food and Wine magazine, featuring Honey-tomato bruschetta, and more; the Wall Street Journal dated July 11, 2008 with a cautionary article. Almost every day, you will find somewhere, information on our bees, and I was so pleased to receive your many letters supporting this project.

At our June meeting, the prizes will be awarded and submissions should be made by April 15, 2009, to me. They will be forwarded to a committee of three, headed by Dr. John Peterson, of Cal-Poly.

On other matters, Sylvia Anderson is preparing her Participation in Country Women of the World, representing us very ably.

Also, I do want to mention how practical and enjoyable it is to use the canvas shopping bags made by one of the branches and are available at Ambler. And of course it’s good for the environment.
Notice from the Editor and Coordinator of Promotion and Growth, Kathy Beveridge:

The magazine could use additional branch and division news, especially activity related to bees and vegetable gardening or local food production. Please send text and any images you’d like to share electronically (images in jpeg format, 300 dpi) via e-mail to Kathy Beveridge at kathleen.beveridge@comcast.net by August 27th.

Branch and division presidents, please recommend a local liaison for our national promotion and growth efforts. This will be a time limited involvement requiring only minimal time. Please send names and contact information by September 30 to kathleen.beveridge@comcast.net.

August 2008