It is with great pleasure that we send a huge THANK YOU, to you, the members of Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, for looking forward, taking the leap to change the scope of the Frysinger International Project and becoming engaged in the decision making process to choose the 2017 Frysinger International Project. This replaces the Pennies for Friendship program.
Area: Africa – East, West & Central. Society: Uyoma Food Security Self Help Project: Project No. 1025: Agok women revolving credit scheme for food security, nutrition, and education support has received a $2000.00 check to partially sponsor this project, thanks to those who have supported the Frysinger International Project Fund (formerly the Grace E Frysinger International Fellowship Fund). In brief: This organization initially held group meetings in the target village, situated on the shores of Lake Victoria, to plan the project. The community members chose fresh fruit growing, poultry rearing and fish farming as their preferred project activities. Continue reading “Projects”