We had a wonderful time at Grand Island, NY. Many friendships were renewed and new friends were formed. We toured, swam in the hotel pool, basked in the sun aboard a river boat and marveled at the Botanical Gardens. Of course, we ate our way through the four days, as Farm & Garden women always seem to need sustenance! The speakers were informative and interesting. Amanda Edmonds showed us the need of community gardens for food and social networking. Her power point presentation brought home the need for fresh, local produce at a time when small markets are closing with the current economy. Paul Lehman took the idea one step further by telling us how to set up a farm market, where to locate it and what to expect as consumers. As usual, there were many questions from our members. Fresh fruits and vegetables form the backbone of a healthy diet for everyone. We can search out our local Farmers’ offerings within the next few weeks.
As President, I welcome every member to send in ideas that will help shape our future. What do you like about your Branch, Division, or the National level of Farm & Garden? Do you have suggestions of projects or books? Did you find something to share with others in your travels this winter? Please tell me, or let your Branch President or Division President know what is on your mind. Communication begins through the sharing of thoughts and ideas. One little notion sparks the next, and soon the brainstorm starts to smolder into a bone fide flame. Our name, Woman’s National Farm and Garden, of one Woman, shows the necessity and individuality of each of you. I have heard from many of you in the past and implemented your ideas for meetings. I promise to listen now, and in the future. Write to me, call or e mail. My ears are open.