Grand Island Meeting Report

We had a wonderful time at Grand Island, NY. Many friendships were renewed and new friends were formed. We toured, swam in the hotel pool, basked in the sun aboard a river boat and marveled at the Botanical Gardens. Of course, we ate our way through the four days, as Farm & Garden women always seem to need sustenance! The speakers were informative and interesting. Amanda Edmonds showed us the need of community gardens for food and social networking. Her power point presentation brought home the need for fresh, local produce at a time when small markets are closing with the current economy. Paul Lehman took the idea one step further by telling us how to set up a farm market, where to locate it and what to expect as consumers. As usual, there were many questions from our members. Fresh fruits and vegetables form the backbone of a healthy diet for everyone. We can search out our local Farmers’ offerings within the next few weeks.

As President, I welcome every member to send in ideas that will help shape our future. What do you like about your Branch, Division, or the National level of Farm & Garden? Do you have suggestions of projects or books? Did you find something to share with others in your travels this winter? Please tell me, or let your Branch President or Division President know what is on your mind. Communication begins through the sharing of thoughts and ideas. One little notion sparks the next, and soon the brainstorm starts to smolder into a bone fide flame. Our name, Woman’s National Farm and Garden, of one Woman, shows the necessity and individuality of each of you. I have heard from many of you in the past and implemented your ideas for meetings. I promise to listen now, and in the future. Write to me, call or e mail. My ears are open.

2010 Fall Council Meeting Scheduled

A Fall Council Meeting has been scheduled in Columbus, Ohio. The meeting will be held in the City of Easton, north and west of Columbus, near the airport. The date of the meeting is October 1,2,3, 2010.

Please plan to arrive on Friday, October 1. An Executive Committee meeting will be held after dinner, to accommodate late arrivals. Our work session will begin early on Saturday, October 2 and continue throughout the day. We will complete our task and depart on the morning of Sunday, October 3.

Details regarding hotel accommodations and meeting location will be posted on our web site as soon as they are available. All Executive Committee members, Focus Chairmen, Committee Chairmen and Council Members are expected to attend. If you cannot put this meeting into your schedule, please notify Ann Whithaus, Corresponding Secretary or Dee Welsh, Recording Secretary, in writing by September 21, 2010.

News From National President Faith Tiberio

                                  Root Allures

To quote the New York Times “A survey on consumer anxieties over higher foods and fuel prices from the LePold Center for sustainable agriculture at Iowa State University in Ames, a great number of people will raise more of their own vegetables and many are going back to the Root cellars of our Grandmothers Day.”

There is a 1979 “Root Cellaring” by Mike and Nancy Bubel which is helpful. But there are many others, with hints for cutting of tops of vegetables within one inch of the growth; glazing turnips and rutabagas with paraffin and putting beets into buckets with dry fall leaves. Carrots can be stored in moist sand or peat moss with crowns removed, nor is it necessary to have a dirt floored cellar. Nooks and crannies that are cool and ventilated can be used successfully.

Meanwhile, our branches continue to work and grow. Rochester Branch will celebrate its 75th Anniversary and annual meeting on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at Addison Oaks in Leonard, Michigan. Their newsletter is always filled with up coming events and information as in Ohio Newsletter “Daffodil Days” in Detroit, May 27th with the Claudia Society.

Audrey Ehrler reports that on April 15th Janine Thomas of Hartford, NY will be installed as the New York State Division president. Their work on the Bee Project will continue, and we thank Audrey for her inspiring leadership. She and Margaret Latham have managed our interim commitment at the National Arboretum with great success.

Mayflower Branch is working on herb gardens and eradicating invasive plants while Keystone Branch is attracting community folk to participate in local agriculture, among many other projects at our “Home” Temple – Ambler.

Another beautiful magazine from Kathy Beveridge, and within is the call for the meeting in Buffalo.

 Before I forget, we are still looking for stories. Does anyone remember Spirella Corset Company of Buffalo [and world wide] which gave Real career opportunities to woman at the turn of the century and for decades afterwards? This company changed woman’s mental and physical states for the better and yet today is nearly forgotten. Let me know.

We must not forget Mary Bertolini, either, and safely, happily and economically to Niagara Falls, where you just might get to see the two legged vegetables welcoming you with open foliage.

