
It is with great pleasure that we send a huge THANK YOU, to you, the members of Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, for looking forward, taking the leap to change the scope of the Frysinger International Project and becoming engaged in the decision making process to choose the 2017 Frysinger International Project. This replaces the Pennies for Friendship program.

Area: Africa – East, West & Central. Society: Uyoma Food Security Self Help Project: Project No. 1025: Agok women revolving credit scheme for food security, nutrition, and education support has received a $2000.00 check to partially sponsor this project, thanks to those who have supported the Frysinger International Project Fund (formerly the Grace E Frysinger International Fellowship Fund). In brief: This organization initially held group meetings in the target village, situated on the shores of Lake Victoria, to plan the project. The community members chose fresh fruit growing, poultry rearing and fish farming as their preferred project activities.

The beneficiaries will be resource-poor women householders, grandmothers caring for children, orphans and unemployed young people. Many of these have been forced into illegitimate livelihoods such as prostitution, or have had to give up school because of a lack of money for school necessities. They will be given training and support to engage in the project activities in order to have legitimate, dignified source of income and improve their diet.
As with our past project support, we will receive periodic reports from ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) as they are received. Remember these projects are strictly monitored.

Speaking of the past: the 2016 Frysinger International Project: South Africa – Water Harvesting for Completion of Yenzanathi Community Garden Project No. 1005, if you’ll recall that Sylvia, Sheila and I had the pleasure of meeting the Project Coordinators at the ACWW Triennial Conference in Warwick, England last August. And through that connection we had an ongoing flow of information about the trials and tribulations and many great successes the Yenzanathi Community had with that project. This community used the expertise and resources available to make not only the Garden project a success but were able to provide a water pump for the Goxhill Primary School – 200 pupils and no water supply. Can you imagine, 200 students and no running water?

So you see, your donations to this fund are used wisely and with great success for so many who would otherwise go without. YOUR DONATIONS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF MANY! And this fund only grows by your donations.

We are always pleased to share ACWW / International Cooperation with our friends and members: our experiences and are always available to answer questions.

Remember, to learn more, to share more, and to understand more of our International Connection, you can join ACWW as an individual member and while supporting the work of this amazing organization. You’ll receive the Countrywomen magazine, with which you can share information of the projects and work of ACWW. Their web site is
Kay Engelhart, Chairman / Sylvia Anderson, Co-Chairman