Past President’s Update


June 30, 2014

Dear Farm & Garden Members & Friends,

Greetings from Ohio! It is a hot and steamy summer so far but the gardens &crops are thriving. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather. The other day someone remarked about the heat & humidity and I smiled….I was recalling the 17 days of below zero last winter! Another beautiful part of this summer here in Ohio is the lightening bug display every night for the past couple weeks. It’s an amazing show about 11pm each night!

It has been an amazing transformation for me from WNF&GA President to National Advisor! I wanted to keep in touch so I am writing this “catch up” article while Molly Hammerle settles in as your new President.

Speaking of the past couple weeks, I realize it has been even longer since we departed from the 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting at Ambler. My, how time flies! The feedback has been so amazing and positive! From the venues, to the dedication, the food and the fellowship, everyone is reporting back about what a great experience they enjoyed overall AND talking about their anticipation for the 2015 Annual Meeting in Washington DC. Check out the photos posted on line of our good times! If you have any to submit, please send to Dee Welsh at

The 100th Anniversary Planning Committee & WNF&GA would like to thank all who made this meeting such a big success! There are too many to thank here so be sure to check the Fall magazine for as complete a list as possible. If you think of someone we should thank or recognize for their participation/contribution, please contact me at my e-mail address

REMINDER: Deadline for articles for the Fall issue of the Magazine is AUGUST 1, 2014. Please send all submissions to Editor Mary Pat Ford at  Division Presidents, Interest Directors, and Officers, are STRONGLY URGED to submit articles and submit photos. All members are also strongly encouraged to write articles& submit photos for each issue. The theme for this issue is Sustainability.